



(原來, 大家都曾經好有理想... 可惜, 宜家...)
...up & down is normal to promising young people, don't worry. The point is, when you are going down, you know the bottom line and review your value & goal, may be you set them too far and not easy to attain at the moment...守得雲開見月明...

(...大家都求求其, 豆幾皮,如果o係大家都唔著緊、唔認真o既時候你認真, 只會被single out出黎, 比人串...所以,大家都只有抱住事不關己己不勞心o既心態...好悲哀...真係...)

I share your feeling, but you should not be defected by this feeling. When I start my career here, I hated myself to stay in this job. I always think that it's 消耗知識份子的青春. I'm not an ambitious officer, but I never 求求其, I never let myself 搏衰my boss, this is my bottom line, hope you get what I meant.

(到底, 我幾時先搵返我o既方向...廿五歲都黎緊喇...唉)
Don't worry, you are much smarter than I was at your age:-) But, I must stress that knowledge is power, the power to be a remarkable person. Do polish your ability in languages, both English & Chinese, read more books...It help you gear up in 我走我的路with confident & faith.

...one bad news, regret to tell u that...got a sudden stroke & passed away last Saturday. 人生無常,don't spend too much time in the dark side and be good to the ones you love and if you still have extra effort, be good to those you think they don't worth you to do so. At least, one day no matter you leave or they leave, you don't have much regret...

