I named it colorbarfriends because I always have a dream to run a bar for friends and the bar will be called Color Bar. While the Bar not yet ready, let’s meet at the cyber color bar! Cheers!
hey, have a look! may help yr topics, let me know if u want to contact the producer, but she is on holidays:) http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/theworks/20070814.html Can To
just watched, thanks a lot.節目當中提及宋莊,隨便google,看到這一段:宋莊離去還是回歸_隨筆砸談_新浪財經_新浪網- 簡 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]北京的798、上海的莫干山,都是開發商營造出來的,而宋莊不一樣,它完全是藝術家自發形成的產物。從最早的栗憲庭、方力鈞他們 .... “而且宋莊跟798又不同,798一天就可逛完,但宋莊很大,方圓幾十公里,始終保持村落化的格局。最起碼,宋莊還有藝術家在苦 ...finance.sina.com.cn/review/essay/20070831/04043934308.shtml - 90k -
2 則留言:
hey, have a look! may help yr topics, let me know if u want to contact the producer, but she is on holidays:)
Can To
just watched, thanks a lot.
宋莊離去還是回歸_隨筆砸談_新浪財經_新浪網- 簡 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 ]北京的798、上海的莫干山,都是開發商營造出來的,而宋莊不一樣,它完全是藝術家自發形成的產物。從最早的栗憲庭、方力鈞他們 .... “而且宋莊跟798又不同,798一天就可逛完,但宋莊很大,方圓幾十公里,始終保持村落化的格局。最起碼,宋莊還有藝術家在苦 ...
finance.sina.com.cn/review/essay/20070831/04043934308.shtml - 90k -