
Magic always happen when nice people are gathered!




每天都有一個新夢想的Joyce Ho在她的博士論文答辯前,於1081101分發了一個電郵給4位朋友。

Dear all,
a new dream come up yesterday when Maggie and I taking our fathers to visit the Fine Art Asia Exhibition.
Joyce with Susan and Loi Chi come back HK around the same time, if you bring 2-3 painting back + Maggie's father, Maggie and I, we'll have around 15 pieces of art work to show. Tentatively, 27 Nov, the last sunday of the month.
I'll announce the event on Facebook and you guys share with your friends, I think this size of circulation is good enough and easy to handle.
If you are interested, pls say yes and send the art work you are going to exhibit before November. I'll do the invitation card and catalogue in e-format.  And I bet Kitty love to be the Editor of the catalogue.
Let's make this dream come true!



1小時後,平日愛潑冷水愛扮cool kitty一反常態。
Each artist writes something about their works, before I just thinking about 創作理but as this time should we make it more personal touch, like just say when u create,what’s inside your mind; when u finish, what u feel. Can be very personal and sensational. That’s what I have in my mind now. Sooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!

美麗 +智慧+ working like a donkey的美國靚太joyce wu依舊爽快。
Do you have any suggestion which drawing or paintings I should mail it back to hk?

That is great! I love it ! If this idea was born a few weeks earlier, than I can just book my return trip a week later and fly back to Amsterdam from Hong Kong after 27 Nov.! Then I can join this happening.  The ticket I bought was a very cheap one, it is not changeable!  

Susan wants to make some cards and sell it (here or in HK) to raise some money for donation to Erythromelalgia Association (the sickness she has when she was 5) ....

電郵來來往往,問題逐漸浮現,時間殺到埋身,工作會議暗湧處處。有人開始在facebook 發難。「人生本來有很多事情是徒勞無功的,幹嗎還要去做?just an idiot?誰不知另一個idiot 已經默默在發功,訂框、設計invitation card, poster……幾個傻瓜像玩SM互相鞭策,鞭鞭到肉…


就是這樣,一個名為《Opening...,,this opening is the opening of an opening 開一個新開始》的畫展出台了,參展畫家跨三代人,來自亞歐美三大洲。還不夠過癮,不夠爽嗎?
第二件美事,早在年初,一向熱心研究二次世界大戰時期,赤柱監獄職員宿舍和聖士提反書院用作囚禁戰俘歷史的Geoffrey Emerson,告訴我今年是Stanley Internment Camp 的70週年,他計劃籌備一個聚會,讓一班當年在那裡生活過的人或他們的親友,可以來一個Reunion。

十月初,我寫了一封電郵給已故監獄署署長CJ Norman的女兒Kirsty Norman介紹Geoffrey的研究,因她父親當年也曾在這裡經歷了三年八個月,結果,一封電郵,連結了兩位有心人,Kirsty更決定來港參加這次Reunion。


昨日,把隨團的照片上載Facebook,加了一個commentGeoffrey teached me a lot through this reunion. I'm now more willing to make effort in getting nice people together. Magic always happen when nice people are gathered!

數分鐘後,Geoffrey 答Thanks, Joyce! It was a lucky day when we first met several years ago.
對,當有心人有機會碰上有心人,便是人生中的一天lucky day。