恭喜你踏入新的里程,你是個有很好個性的女孩,由你進學堂開始,我就很看好,希望你一切順利。 有一點我必須長氣再說,一定要讀書,好好進修,早日升做幫辦。知識改變命運,進修改變官運,切記切記!
餞別宴上台致辭,就像奧斯卡得獎人一樣,一邊上台,一邊把擬好的致謝名單從口袋裡掏出來,接過咪,首先多謝在場每一位盛意光臨,多謝上司的包容和信任,多謝同事長期以來合作愉快,多謝小友們使我這幾年多了很多啟發,多謝爸爸媽媽盡心教導我做正直的人,最後,last, but no least,當然是多謝我的另一半,讓我的理想成為現實.....有稿在手,竟然會漏了沒有把兩位不在場的朋友讀出,一位是當年獨具慧眼錄取了我的鍾姑娘,一位是高風亮節身教重於言教的顏老師,真是美中不足。
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. It's been a pleasant experience to work with you. Please feel free to contact me should I be of any assistance.
Only a few people can have the chance and 'guts' to pursue life goal in the midst of career. I admire your courage, truly. As a friend, may I give you my fullest support and blessing.
Joyce, you may not know how much you've done to me during the years. Your warm regards and encouragement at times, your support and care during my days at Canada, your true heart to me and also to others ........ all these are kept deep in my heart and I'll always treasure you as my beloved friend.
I'm sure we'll still be in touch in the times ahead.
Take care !
Wishing you All the Very Best & Success in Life !!
p.s. You are a sweet and wonderful lady. Tony is a very lucky guy! (I'm sure he agrees to it , hehe !)
Best Regards,
Lucky you, I wish I can do the same thing as you. I want you to know that is my pleasure to have such a good friend like you. Although we were not working together a lot, we do have many good memories with our 128 classmates in STI.
I will miss you and you are always welcome to join our 128 annual gathering.
Take care and enjoy life.
Keep in touch
It's really glad to know that you can quit this tedious job and continue studying your favourite subject. This is also something I'm looking for but I still need more time to get close to my target.
Anyway, do enjoy life and all the best for whatever you want to achieve, of course with full support and loving care of Tony.
Best Regards,
Noted with thanks!
Thanks a lot for your email and proud of having been working with you.
Wish you all the best in the years ahead.
See you!
I really admire you. You can then enjoy your life, do whatever you want and do not need to bother about work. There is nothing better than that, anyway, have a wonderful time.
Wish you all the best in the days ahead.... I enjoy working with you in the past 2 years in this department.
Good luck!!!
I am interested in the Chinese Culture Research too. Hope to chance to share with you in this aspect!!!
Goodbye and wish you all the best in your future endeavour. If in the days ahead I can be of assistance in any way, do let me know.
It is really a brain-drain. The Department loses an invaluable asset like you an experienced and nice Officer.
Anyhow, I appreciate that you can enjoy rest of your life by continuing with study which is also my dream.
I hope you enjoy early retirement!
My heartiest congratulations to you on your last day of duty. Wishing you all the best of luck, wealth, health, happiness and JOY in the years ahead! A bunch of roses is attached to celebrate your success throughout your service with the Department. Well done, Joyce.
Just learn that you are leaving us. This message recall my memory when we were working together in WHDC. I have a lot of special memory for what had happened in WHDC. Of course the most important were the people I worked with, and you are one of them. Do you still remember the time we went for drink together, remember the "格三星"? You are the girl who has the most tough and hard arms that I 've ever know. I wish all the best in your new leaf of life.
Keep in touch!
Thank you for your e-mail. I have to say congratulation to you. Since then, you are 'free' and will have ample time to make your plan a real. At the same time, it is not without sad to learn that one more nice and capable colleague like you will leave the service, which is indeed a loss to all the persons once and currently working with you, including me.
Anyway, take care and keep in touch.
Congratulations !!! Wish u all the best and looking forward to your masterpiece, ok?
亦想向妳說聲 "謝謝",感謝妳不時給我的勉勵與提點。
祝你生活愉快、 事事順利同身體健康
我也必須向妳說聲多謝 ! 這些年來有妳的支持和鼓勵,令我可以不斷成長。
昨夜我在席間的致謝辭,其中多謝了你們390,391對我的啟發,教學相長,這幾年我真的成熟了很多。尤其面對不被了解和不被明白的時候,更懂得如何自處和找適當的 朋友傾訴,因此,我也更能體諒我過往覺得很老土很衰格的上司。我特別指出這一點,是希望你們日後多點思考,少點埋怨,這樣,可以有更大胸懷成就更大的事業。
there is a will, there is a way,不要忘記要有理想和夢想,多想好事,好事自然會出現。
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